Bonnie Farrell

Bonnie Farrell

Regina Walsh Acres

Bonnie was born and raised in Regina. Growing up, she spent the summers at her grandparent’s farm near Sedley and the family cottage near Fort Qu’Appelle. Her love of the outdoors took her to Alberta in her early 20s. She spent her time there as a Tour Guide/Director. This is where she learned the skills of working with people and solving problems.

Upon Bonnie’s return to Saskatchewan to be near family, she continued to use these skills in her many accomplishments. Bonnie was a groundbreaker as the first female Greyhound driver in Saskatchewan, overcoming the prejudice of the time, of being a female in a male-dominated profession. During this almost 20-year career, she has seen a lot of change in small-town Saskatchewan.

Bonnie then set her sites on Regina City Transit. This was an eye-opening experience where she got to see firsthand the poverty, addiction, and lack of services that affect the day-to-day lives of the people of Regina.

After listening to Jon Hromek and hearing his vision for the province, Bonnie was inspired to run for the Sask United Party and join them in standing for common sense change in Saskatchewan.


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