Dawne Badrock was born and raised in Nipawin by a single mother and close to her maternal grandparents which emersed her formative years in a politically active environment. Her drive to use her leadership to better Saskatchewan for all children was come by honestly. Four generations of her family have sat on boards through the years, and Dawne has continued that legacy of service through college, raising a family, and her professional life.
Coming from strong female role models, Dawne naturally rose to be that herself, with a diploma in Business Administration and a Health Care Administration certificate in Acute Care, receiving the Most Outstanding First Year Student Award. In 2009, with three little kids under five, she went back to university for her Bachelor of Science in Nursing with Distinction from the U of S. She has worked in many departments including LTC, rural ERs in Nipawin and Humboldt, and more recently her dream job in Saskatoon Homecare. For the last 20+ years, Dawne has also owned and operated a family business with her husband. It is truly a labor of love for both of them.
Dawne has served as a school board trustee on one of the larger boards in the province for the last 10 years. This lends her a deep understanding of the challenges in education and the ability to ensure all voices have a place at the table. She contributed her expertise to the Transportation, Finance, Governance, Learning, and Human Resources committees with a commitment to bettering education by asking difficult questions and not shying away from unconventional solutions. She never subscribes to the status quo.
She and her husband enjoy all the activities and commotion four children and three grandchildren bring to life, and of course the volunteer positions that naturally come with being an involved parent.