William Hughes

William Hughes

Saskatoon Willowgrove

William Hughes has been married to Anne-Marie for 38 years.  He is a father to five children and grandfather to four.

William grew up on a small grain farm north of the Fort a la Corne near Garrick and that instilled him with respect for hard work.  That life experience and attitude developed into a successful career as a mechanical engineer spanning four decades in the mining industry in Canada and overseas.  He has spent the last several years as an engineering manager at a major mining equipment manufacturer in Saskatoon.  It is a great source of pride for him that the team of people he leads provides so much value to the city of Saskatoon, the province of Saskatchewan, and the world at large.

William serves his local parish on the pastoral committee and his professional engineering association in various capacities.  He has a lifelong passion for general aviation and maintains his skills as an instrument rated pilot.  He enjoys spending time in the bush canoeing and camping with his children.

A desire to be governed by well-respected and responsible elected officials who demonstrate the lived virtues of wisdom, justice, temperance, and courage has driven him to lead by example.  The natural culmination of this effort has led him to seek election as MLA for Saskatoon Willowgrove.


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